The Refinery Church
We are here to come alongside you as you seek to get connected to Lifegroup community! We have different types of groups for various ages and stages of life including groups for men, women, families, and special interest groups. Fill out our interest form to take the next step in becoming a Lifegroup leader. Have questions? Email Pastor Jay .
One of the best ways to find a group is to host one! Hosting a group doesn’t mean that you have to know everything about the Bible or that you are able to answer everyone’s questions. What it does mean is that you are seeking to grow in your faith and in community with others and are able to open up a consistent meeting time and space (your home, coffee shop, etc.) in which to do so. We encourage you to start by praying about others in your circle who God would lead you to start your group with. We are here to support you every step of the way! Fill out our interest form to take the next step in becoming a Lifegroup leader. Have questions? Email Pastor Jay .
When can I join a Lifegroup?
What kind of Lifegroups are currently offered?
We have several different types of groups for different ages and stages of life. There are men’s, women’s, mixed groups and some special interest groups (JOY group, Young couples Lifegroup, Creatives Lifegroup) that meet at various times, locations, and frequencies throughout the week. Email Pastor Jay for help with narrowing down which kind of group might be the best fit for you.
Can I try multiple groups?
Of course! Our goal is to help you find the group that will be the best group for you. Oftentimes this may mean trying out more than one group. Tricia will work with you to connect you with a few group leaders so that you can learn more about their groups.
Is childcare provided?
While we do not provide childcare for Lifegroup meetings, we do have some family groups that involve children in their group meeting times. We encourage you to speak with the group leader about whether children are present during Lifegroup meetings or if any alternate arrangements can be made for childcare.